So, our Brexiteer chums will be pleased to know that their actions have not only made travel in Europe considerably more difficult than it once was, but they have also helped reveal the origins of said word, which predictably enough come from that home of the devil, Europe.

The word ‘travel’ is thought to have its roots in the Old French word ‘travail’, which means ‘work’, and by Jove, Brexit has certainly made travel in Europe bloody hard work now, what with limited stays, visas, extra insurance costs etc., etc.

Indeed, ‘travail’ may even share a more ancient root, and yes, this too is European – from the Latin word ‘tripalium’, after a Roman instrument of torture (in Latin it means ‘three stakes’, as in to impale).

Brexit hasn’t quite resulted in travel in Europe becoming as painful as being impaled on an instrument of torture (although queuing for hours at Heathrow to get back into the UK, as will become the norm, comes close), but wouldn’t it be great if all the masterminds who voted Leave were indeed impaled on a stake next time they cross the Channel?

As it is we will just have to be content with watching them burst a blood vessel and go red in the face when they next visit the Costa Blanca and realise that they can’t get Amazon Prime on their iPad any more – just another unintended consequence of giving the vote to people with an IQ smaller than their shoe size.